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Robert Leonard Reid has taught writing at the University of New Mexico, Western Nevada College, and Truckee Meadows Community College. He has been a guest speaker and workshop leader at many events, including “Writing Across the Curriculum” at Lycoming College; the Keystone Mountain Speakers Series, Keystone, Colorado; “Writing From the Heart” at St. Mary’s Art Center, Virginia City, Nevada; and the Truckee Meadows Community College Writers’ Conference, Reno (four appearances). Venues where he has read from his works include Comma Coffee (Carson City), Page One (Albuquerque), KOA Radio (Denver), Sundance Bookstore (Reno), KPFA Radio (Berkeley), Brodsky’s Bookstore (Taos), Neptune Mountaineering (Boulder), Black Oak Books (Berkeley), Books Inc. (Burlingame), Elliott Bay Book Company (Seattle), KKMO Radio (Tacoma), and Powell’s Bookstore (Portland).
Comments on Robert Leonard Reid’s workshop presentations:
“[Reid’s] way of “riffing” and brainstorming really hit a chord with me, and his delivery was highly entertaining. He gave me several new ideas, showed me another way to get around my ever-present writer’s block, and made his point firmly and eloquently.”
“Robert Reid spoke from the heart. He was awesome.”
“Robert Leonard Reid was so inspiring that I put down my pen and listened, savoring every poetic word. He reminded me why I love to write.”
“[Reid] was witty, blunt, and to the point on the art and suffering of writing.”
“[Robert Leonard Reid’s] presentation was absolutely stunning. The ‘I’m so disorganized’ foil provided a good breather from his nineteenth century point of view. He must be, in fact, remarkably well-organized in order to achieve the level of writing he demonstrates.”
“I appreciated Mr. Reid’s talk because he values writing more than the business of writing, and his perspective was soul nourishing for me.”
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